Thursday, 2 May 2019

How Nickel Cadmium Battery Disposal Is Important For Safe Environment?

NiCd battery also known as nickel-cadmium battery is a type of rechargeable battery. They are made in a wide range of sizes and capacities from large ventilated cells like car batteries to portable sealed types like watch cells. Disposing these batteries like pvc disposal is very important.

Batteries are made with heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium and nickel. These metals react with chemical electrolytes to produce power. Batteries found in cars and other vehicles, alarm system batteries and dry cell batteries used in common consumer products are generally recycled.

Metals used in these batteries cause no harm to human health when they are in use, but safe nickel cadmium battery disposal is important as they can pose serious health and environmental consequences because of the heavy metals.

In general, people discard the used batteries after use and they reach landfills. The chemicals and heavy metals of these batteries leach into soil, groundwater, lakes and streams. Soil and water mixed with these metals can cause serious health risks to people. Since many people do not use correct method of disposing batteries, governments have banned the usage and production of mercury batteries.

The safe way of disposing these batteries is contacting scrap dealers. These dealers are trained to dispose them safely without causing any harm to the environment. Such companies offer cash for old and useless batteries.

Dry NiCD batteries do not pose any threat, so all the exposed terminals are packed and sent to companies which recycle such batteries. In case of wet batteries, all the usable materials are removed. The alkali present in the battery is removed and neutralized to make it safe before reusing it. Nickel is processed before being sold as a raw material. Cadmium is sent to a furnace before being sold as raw material for new batteries.

Next time dispose the batteries in a safe way for environment cause.


